IAM Policy

It is good practice to have a specific IAM policy so aewacs can interact properly with your AWS account. 

Create the CloudFormation stack

  1. Use this button to launch our CloudFormation stack.  
  2. Specify the parameters for the stack (leave the stack name parameter as is, see the warning below).
  3. Check the I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names checkbox.
  4. Click Create to start the creation of the stack.
  5. Wait until the stack reaches the state CREATE_COMPLETE.

Select the newly created stack and select the Outputs tab. Here you will find the Access Key and Secret Key that aewacs needs to interact with your AWS account.


Don't change the Stack Name parameter. We expect the CloudFormation stack to have the name "aewacs-IAM-policy" for updating the stack in case there was a change to the policy.

Update the CloudFormation Stack

In the case of a changed policy you will need to update the CloudFormation stack. aewacs will automatically alert you if the policy is out of date.

When the alert in aewacs pops up you will need to click the link provided in the alert and follow the steps:

  1. Click on the link to update the policy.
  2. Click Next to proceed with the next step of the wizard.
  3. Specify the parameters for the stack.
  4. Click Next to proceed with the next step of the wizard.
  5. Click Next to skip the Options step of the wizard.
  6. Check the I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names checkbox.
  7. Click Update to start the update process for the stack.
  8. Wait until the stack reaches the state UPDATE_COMPLETE.

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